Our Team

VP of Operations, Afternoon Personality Noon to 3PM

Andy Yusko who overlooks the daily operation of the station including programming and production. He is also host of the "DJ Andy show".

AJ Santini, Morning Personality 9:00AM to Noon

the host of "The Music Appreciation Society". A program that features all music genres including local artists from the past to the present.

Nick Lawrence, Afternoon Personality 3PM to 6PM

Nick hosts "Vantage Point", a platform for listeners to call in and talk about anything.

Retro Rose, Host of "Retro Talk" Saturdays 6PM

Retro Talk is a show about EVERYTHING retro. Rose has guests each week and a theme for each show.The show repeats Sundays at 5pm. Turn back the clock with Retro Talk."It's ok to be nerdy".

Glinda Drake, Host of "Classic Radio Stations" Saturdays 3PM

Classic Radio Stations is a show about air checks from the golden years of top 40 radio.The show repeats Sundays at 6pm.

WXPM has been nominated for best radio station in the western suburbs, A.J. Santini as the best morning DJ and Music Appreciation Society as best morning show by Main line Today.Vote on mainlinetoday.com, entertainment thank you

Our streaming audio and video channels plus more

Our main stream. click on the bird to listen.

Our on the air stream with personalities and much more music.

Our digital stream. Click on the bird to listen

The digital stream is online only and is music from the last 8 decades.NO TALK...JUST MUSIC

Our You Tube Channel

There you will find our videos of local businesses, events and more.

Big Picture Science

Big Picture Science engages the public with modern science research through smart and humorous storytelling.

Retro Con

Retro Con is a pop culture and memorabilia show catering to anything considered “retro”.

Your donation helps keep us on the air

We also support local artists,musicians and other non-profits.

Retro Talk Hosts

Retro Rose and her cohost Mike Breaux.

Retro Talk, heard exclusively on WXPM

A show about everything retro."It's ok to be nerdy"

Spring Hollow Golf Club, A sponsor

Spring Hollow Golf Club hosts our transmitting facilities and is a supporter of WXPM.

Triptych Salon, a Sponsor

Triptych Salon is more than a hair salon and is a supporter of WXPM.